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Tiree & Canderel Challenge Trivia Night for CHEO

Test Your Wit at Trivia Night for CHEO

October 1st, 2024
The Horticulture Building,
1525 Princess Patricia Way, Ottawa

Tiree and Canderel are proud to host the inaugural Trivia Night for CHEO!

Join us for an evening of wit and impact at the inaugural Trivia Night for CHEO, co-hosted by Tiree and Canderel. Test your trivia skills, connect with industry peers, and compete for exciting prizes, all while supporting CHEO’s vital pediatric oncology research. Together, let’s turn knowledge into hope on October 1st.

What to expect on this family-friendly day:

Food & beverages provided

Competitive building activities!

Block building for all!

In Partnership with the CHEO Research Institute


The CHEO Research Institute is driven by a profound commitment to eliminate the devastating realities of childhood cancer, because the words “childhood” and “cancer” should never be put together. Their world-class team of researchers and clinicians pioneer groundbreaking treatments in pediatric oncology, with a focused mission to safeguard the health and joy of every young patient.

By contributing to our cause, your donations enable the continuation of essential research and the development of targeted therapies that are transforming the future of pediatric care. At CHEO, every contribution is more than just a donation—it is a lifeline for families facing their toughest battles and a beacon of hope for children to thrive.

Join us in our relentless pursuit to fortify CHEO’s oncological research efforts, fostering a future where every child has the opportunity to lead a healthy, vibrant and cancer-free life.

Team Up to Outsmart Cancer!

Sign Up or Sponsor and Join Our
Community Combatting Cancer

Limited Spots Available. Click the Button Below to Register:




Lisa Anderson Director of Marketing & Communications [email protected]

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Title Partner

Media Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Player Sponsors

Stay tuned for more details!

Your donation will be divided equally between two local cancer research centres, McGill University's Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (charitable registration number: 11912 8981 RR0001) and the Institut du cancer de Montréal, affiliated to the Université de Montréal (charitable registration number: 10750 8384 RR0001).

You will receive a tax receipt from both centres, each reflecting 50% of your donation, in early 2025.

For questions or missing receipts, please contact [email protected].

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Votre don sera divisé également entre deux centres de recherche sur le cancer, l'Institut du cancer de Montréal, affilié à l’Université de Montréal (numéro d’organisme de bienfaisance : 10750 8384 RR0001) et l’Institut du cancer Rosalind et Morris Goodman de l’Université McGill (numéro d’organisme de bienfaisance : 11912 8981 RR0001).

Vous recevrez un reçu fiscal des deux centres, correspondant chacun à 50 % de votre don, en début-2025.

Pour des questions à propos de vos reçus, ou pour des reçus manquants veuillez contacter [email protected].

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